The Simple 2-Word Secret That Unleashes A Boundless World Of Abundance, Blessing And Wealth Against The Odds – No Matter How Dire the Situation Or Anxious the Feeling!

The hippo swallowed me whole.
My legs were dangling in the air. It looked like a pair of giant squirming chopsticks in its massive mouth.
Inside. It was pitch-black and dank. The darkness was suffocating, as it smelled like 2-week old rotten fish.

Worst… its jaws were gradually crushing me. If I didn’t get out soon, my bones will turn to powder.
So I struggled like never before. I kept up my violent gyrations until it exhausted the hippo and it somehow thankfully… inexplicably – released me.
I quickly swam to the nearby shore and ran away as fast as I could…

Thankfully I had only a few major bruises to show for my near-death experience.

My name is Leigh Daniel.
I’m a prosperity manifestation expert, owner of one of the world’s largest Law of Attraction communities and founder of a 7-figure law firm.
Just like a life-and-death battle with an over-eager hungry hippo tries to eat you up in an African river…

 Do you also struggle with mounting bills? Feel overwhelmed with the frequent harassment from creditors?
While you may have survived the constant “feast-and-famine” cycle…  
Are You Exhausted by A Constant Lack of Finances?
If so, then this may be the most important letters you ever read. So let’s get right to it.

What I’m about to reveal holds the key to plunge into an ocean of abundance.
Where those angst-ridden quarrels over money with your partner becomes a barely audible whisper of the past…
When you can buy anything and everything – even treat yourself to something extravagant every so often.
When you feel financially secure, knowing your family will be taken care of for years… No! Decades to come.
Now doesn’t that fill you with hope?

It All Boils Down To A Secret Manifestation Technique That No Guru (Or Movie) Has Taught You Yet.

It’s actually revolutionary science.
And wanna know something powerful?
The technique I’m about to show you is so effective nearly 100% of those who took action on it are experiencing lifestyles of joy and prosperity.
I mean… Through the power of this manifestation secret… I have…
  • Created a 7 Figure Law firm – in a few short years.
  • ​Even just last week alone, my firm brought in $58,000 – and somehow anywhere between $35,000 to $38,000 magically shows up in my business accounts every week. And no, I don’t use the money to buy new toys. Instead, I…  
  • ​ Use the roaring flood of resources to take care of my clients and fund an event venue known as Leigh Acres and a non-profit called The Mosaic Creative that offers transformation through art, nature, and community. That’s how I intend to change the world. And more importantly…
  • ​  I’m helping hundreds of others to attract the same exact kind of magnetic miracles.
Yes… I’m going to uncover the same source of abundance for you.
But before I go on…
Let Me Explain The No.1 Reason Why Your Manifestation Efforts May Be Failing
If you’re still caught in the web of anxiety… If you still dread the weekend ending because you know the barrage of bank phone calls are coming again… If you feel like you stepped into a net and you can’t untangle yourself.  
Despite trying your best…  
Here’s a reassurance…
It’s not your fault!
There’s a compelling, even scientifically proven reason that you’re not enjoying a full wallet, and perfect wealth… 

Why the peers you started out with seem so much further ahead...
It’s because of…

Low Vibration Epigenetics

Huh, what a mouthful, right? Let me assure you, while the name sounds complicated, the concept is simple.
If you’ve been into the Law of Attraction for any length of time, you know low vibration produces low vibration results… And high vibration thinking produces high vibration results.
However, here’s the snag…
It’s not quite as simple as switching your frequency… Or listening to audios to get into Theta state… Or “willing” your way to intention.

Not at all.

Low Vibration Is Actually HARD-CODED Into Your Genes.

In other words, all those yucky thoughts of poverty, disease and loneliness are actually embedded into your body.
Sounds crazy, right?
Enter the brand new scientific field of epigenetics.
It’s the study of how outside influences affect and even CHANGES your DNA.
This means…

  • If you’ve been through trauma, it affects your genes.
  • If you’ve been through bad parenting, it affects your genes.
  • If you’ve been through poverty, it affects your genes.
Think of it as a limp that prevents you from leaping and running.
Here’s proof…
In an April 2019 University of Berkeley study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Dora Costa and her colleagues studied the health records of nearly 4,600 children whose fathers had been PoWs, comparing them to just over 15,300 children of veterans of the war who had not been captured.
Now get this…
The sons of PoWs had an 11% higher mortality rate than the sons of non-PoW veterans. Other factors such as the father’s socioeconomic status and the son’s job and marital status couldn’t account for the higher mortality rate.
The sons of PoW veterans were also slightly more likely to die from cancer.
The scientist concluded extreme trauma negatively CHANGES your body.
Now, let’s see epigenetics to money matters.

In an October 2018 study published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, it shows growing up poor actually leads to dreaded diseases later in life.
That’s right. If you make less money in life, you’re more vulnerable to heart disease, stroke and cancer.

How low vibration can you get?
And here’s the alarming thing… 

You’ll Encounter Many, Many Negative Events in Your Lifetime.

That’s called life, right?
The unkind words… The trauma of injuries… The rejections… Even just being stuck in traffic.
So many things affect you. Each experience inevitably wraps itself around you like a fearsome anaconda.
It’s no wonder you can’t manifest…
Because your genes don’t allow you to.
But here’s the fantastic news…
You can REVERSE that conditioning.

Your DNA is NOT Your Destiny.
I’m picture proof of it.
If there’s someone who’s a poster child for Low Vibration Epigenetics, it’s me.
Here’s my story.

I grew up in rural Alabama, right smack in the Bible belt.
My dad worked in a factory. His dad worked in a factory. Even my brother works in the factory.
My mom grew up picking cotton.
We were the prototypical blue-collar family.
While we weren’t dirt poor, we had destructive views on money.
We were taught the desire to be rich was a sin. 
Money is the root of all evil. 
Perhaps, that’s how you were raised as well.
And you’re struggling in this exhausting tug-of-war…  

On one end, you have all these negative thoughts about money, about how you should be content with your lot… How you shouldn’t be greedy. 

On the other end you’re constantly bombarded with life situations that require the green stuff. A medical emergency here. A kid’s college fund there. Whew! It’s so tiring. 
Speaking of which, my parents didn't want me to go to college.
So as a result, as a kid, my family never aspired for more than their lot in life.

I felt like a tiny goldfish, watching life outside the fishbowl.

We rarely went out to eat. I was in my mid teens before I went to my first restaurant. 
Even more rare were vacations. We never left the South, much less set foot on an airplane.
I wasn’t able to participate in extra activities. "We can't afford it," my mom always said.
But that’s not the worst part.
Something that really bothered me was that my mom would often buy me clothes from the store. I loved clothes. However before coming home, she would actually visit a department store just to grab the paper bags.
And she would put the clothes in the bags to hide the fact that she wasn’t giving me nice clothes, like my friends.
She wanted to give me what I wanted, but was powerless to break out of it. 
How often do you feel the fierce tension of what your upbringing tells you and your current circumstances? It’s misery, right?… 

But here’s the shocker…
Due to their limiting beliefs… my parents CHOSE to stay in that position.
As they told me countless times throughout my childhood:

Don’t Get Above Your Raisin’

It’s a southern term that’s actually quite insidious. 
According to historian Michael Birdwell...
The notion is you want to change social classes. You try to change social classes, there’s this feeling that you’re forsaking the family, you’re forsaking place, you’re forgetting where you came from…and here’s this real fear that if you leave, you’ll become ashamed of where you came from.
In other words, you don't want to get above where you're at because, again, money is the devil.
You’ve probably suffered the same issues… well-intentioned but misguided loved ones who saddle you with the most stupid advice…

  • Money is the root of all evil.
  • ​Rich people are ruthless and we shouldn’t be like them.
  • ​The wealthy succeed because they have connections.
It’s no wonder you’re living hand-to-mouth… struggling from bill to bill… Not being able to buy the things you love and life you want to live…
Aren’t you sick of this? Don’t you think it’s time to stop living according to someone else’s standards?
It’s Time to Get Above Your Raisin’
  • ​It’s time to aim for the boundless abundance the universe has in store for you.
  • ​It’s time to seize the glorious destiny that was previously out of your grasp.
  • ​It’s time to tap into the prosperity that the top 1% have so you can be part of their inner circle.
Don’t you feel that? The hope. The love. The desire for change enveloping you and setting fire to your soul?
The more you read this, the more excited you’ll feel.
Now, here’s a crucial concept…

It’s called the Realization Triangle.

The fact is, if you want to manifest something into being, there are certain conditions that must be met.
  • ​Your thoughts…
  • ​Your feelings...
And here’s the missing manifestation link…
  • ​Your actions...
Most manifestation courses such as The Secret dwell in the thought realm. What you believe, you receive.
Some other courses tap into the feelings realm. These could be the binaural beats that help you get into the Theta realm. So you feel good.
However, here’s the brutal truth…

Unless you take action, you will not see results.

Picture one of those fancy SpaceX rockets. Bright, shiny billion-dollar contraptions soaring to Mars.
Think of thoughts as the chassis.
Feelings are the rocket fuel.
Action is what launches it into space…
So if just think and feel BUT not do…

You Still Remain on the Ground!

And that’s why so many in the manifestation community – bless their hearts – don’t get the results they achingly desire. Because they simply don’t take any action.
The main reason?

They Don’t Actually Know What Actions to Take…

You may tap into the right thoughts and feelings. But if you don’t know the EXACT steps to take, it’s no wonder you’re not reaping any fruit!  
Think about a recipe book vs. a recipe video. 

Don’t you agree that when it comes to complex things, like making a sauce, it’s far easier to watch Gordon Ramsay mix the ingredients on Youtube, rather than trying to decipher what it says on a written page?
Every subtle maneuver. Even the way he holds the handle. To even see what the right utensil actually looks like.
The same thing applies to manifestation.
Let me take you back to the ‘70s, when…

I was an avid daydreamer and I watched a lot of tv at night.
As someone who was bullied throughout my childhood… with a hopeless financial situation...
TV was a way to escape the pain.
Yet, those shows were the catalyst for the manifestation miracles that eventually came into my life.

I watched shows, like Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie, and put myself in the characters’ shoes.
In Bewitched… I imagined myself as Samantha, the witch, conjuring desirable objects out of nowhere.
In I Dream of Jeannie... I imagined granting wishes like a genie, nodding my head and winking wishes into reality.
By dwelling in that realm…

I Started Manifesting At An Early Age.

Nothing too fancy. A granted wish here. A fulfilled desire.
Yet this technique of visualizing “What Would Samantha and Jeannie Do?” followed me into my adult life… Unleashing astonishing results.
It was this secret that got me into law school.
It was how I started my first business and made 6 figures in my first year – all from my kitchen table.
Now… I make more money in a week than my parents made in a year. 

Talk about a turnaround!
Now get this…
I accomplished all this…

  • Despite being sexually abused repeatedly in elementary school.
  • ​Despite being raped at 17 and carrying the shame by dropping out of my small church community.
  • ​Despite filing for bankruptcy early in my career, before becoming a lawyer, due to poor decisions.
You, too, may have suffered … Caught one unlucky break after another…
Right now, you may feel these low vibration epigenetics deep within your bones.
Yet all I can say is this…

Because here’s the exciting thing…
With what I’m about to teach you, you’re going to see a massive victory.
You’re about to exorcise the demons that have been haunting you all this time.
You’re about to experience a reprogramming of your mind into permanent high vibrations.

And I’m gonna show you how.

Your Past Does Not Determine Your Present Or Your Future

The Secret is “Manifestation Modeling”
Modeling is a technique used by personal development greats such as Tony Robbins and T.Harv Eker to imitate what successful people DO… thereby creating a shortcut in the development of desired skills.
Just as I modeled Jeannie and Samantha, you can model me.
Simply imitate the result of years and years of practice, breakthrough and insight… 

Skip over decades of trial and error.

See the kind of magnetic actions I take to unleash the benefits of the Law of Attraction… 

You’ll then have the confidence and know-how to complete your manifestation.
So you can enjoy the fullness of the Realization Triangle.
In fact, even science proves that learning via modeling has an 81% greater chance of success.
It’s Called the Cone of Experience.
This is a model that incorporates several theories related to instructional design and learning processes.
During the 1960s, Edgar Dale theorized that learners retain more information by what they “do” as opposed to what is “heard,” “read” or “observed.” His research led to the development of the Cone of Experience.
Simply put, when what you learn is not just you reading a book but witnessing it being demonstrated – the chances of you internalizing these principles go up exponentially.
From 10% up to an astonishing 81%.  
Imagine that… an 81% increase in your chances of realizing your manifestation. How cool is that?
A few years ago, I started teaching this methodology to a bunch of different people stuck in different ways. Slowly but surely, I picked up an eager following.

And Guess What Happened When I Applied Manifestation Modeling to My Students?

That’s right… Jaw-dropping miracles happened on command.
Wanna hear some amazing stories? 

One student applied for a grant over a year ago. She didn’t hear back for the better part of the year. She nearly gave up. However, when she took up Manifestation Modeling after just 2 weeks – she received notice that she was approved for $9,000.

Another student, Tom, used the process I teach to pay off his wife’s car as a Valentine’s Day gift. He ended up making an additional $7,800 and paying off her loan in just 60 days.
And it’s not just money people manifest.
Another student couldn’t get a credit card application approved because he fell way below the income bracket. After using just one of my Manifestation Modeling techniques for just a couple weeks, he got approved by Chase Bank.
And this story from Charlie was crazy, I tell ya…
I went through the course and I was just like, let me just play with us for a minute, I want to make $10,000. You know, I want to find $10,000 from new income that I haven't got anywhere else.
And then at the same time, I said, I gotta pay my bills. So I'm going through my bills. And I go into this other account that I don't go into often. And I realized, wait a minute, what the heck is wrong with this? What what happened with this with this account?
So I started going back on all my statements in there,  but somehow somewhere, there was a glitch and I had just realized the account was reconciled incorrectly. And I had exactly to the penny $10,000 more in that account than I thought I had.
Wow, isn’t that astounding?
Imagine what an extra USD10,000 can do for your life?
Picture the debts you can settle… The items you can buy… The lifestyle upgrades you can enjoy.
The Universe knows exactly what you need.
And here’s something even more potent.
With Manifestation Modeling, you can be an amazing manifestor, no matter where you’re at and how “negative” you feel.
And that’s where I come in. lLet me introduce and invite you to…

When My Mind Went Bank:

The Ultimate Manifestation Modeling Course to Create the Life of Your Dreams

In 7 power-packed video modules, I show you my entire manifesting process
Here’s a sneak peek at what you get.

SETTING THE STAGE: Introduction to the Abundance Principles

  • Did you know what you focus on expands? How to keep your eye locked on what’s good and less on what’s bad. 
  • How to generate money-making ideas AT WILL. You’ll draw in opportunities as easily as honey attracting bees. 
  • 1 simple affirmation to effortlessly clear your negative beliefs on money and fling open the doorway to untold favor. 
  • ​And much more.

CLARITY LEADS TO POWER: What’s Your Magic Prosperity Number?

  • How to create “Above-And-Beyond” Expectations. Don’t be surprised by pleasant surprises!
  • ​Gratitude Inventory: A simple step-by-step exercise to create an immense sense of thankfulness -- even if things are not going your way. 
  • You have a magic prosperity number that can motivate you to break down the walls. Too little and you feel shortchanged. Too much and it rings false. The Goldilocks Secret to getting that right.
  • ​And more.

UNSHAKABLE: Why You Do What You Do

  • How to build a “Mental Fortress” to stay standing when life’s storms, tsunamis, earthquakes, twisters and hurricanes hit,
  • ​Yes, there’s gold in your very own backyard. Simple exercise to reveal hidden skills and talents you never know you had.  
  • Plus, how you leverage them to propel you towards your purpose (Revealed in this 5-second technique).
  • ​And much more.

CLARITY IS POWER: How to Be Intentional

  • Miracle Tracking. A powerful step-by-step process to reveal where you are and determine where you’re going to.  
  • ​Avoiding the “Lottery Winner’s Curse”. How to sidestep the stress of managing windfalls you have not experienced before and exercising financial stewardship you didn’t need before.
  • Everything is a brick. A strategy to build your cathedral of legacy -- for you, your retirement and the next generation. 
  • ​And much more.

IN YOUR MIND’S EYE: Visualization Strategies Made Easy

  • Once you’re perfectly aligned with the Realization Triangle, you’ll start becoming immersed in a vision of your life filled with immense possibility, colored by every spectrum of love, peace and joy. Here’s how. 
  • ​How to create affirmations that are true to you, aligned with your values and targeted to your situation -- creating outcomes that unleash your heart’s desire.
  • The specific kind of mental pictures that effortlessly lead to realised realities.
  • ​And more.


  • WARNING: 5 hidden pitfalls that can sabotage your manifestation efforts.
  • ​GOING DEEPER: A simple exercise to dig up negative thoughts and attitudes about money deeply buried in your subconscious.
  • Plus, how to transform them into a springboard for a “money magnet” mindset
  • ​And much more.

DRIVEN BY DESTINY: The Decision Starts With You 

In this module, you’ll receive the culmination of everything you learned.

You’ll be filled with an indomitable confidence. And as you start to internalise the Manifestation Modelling strategies, you’ll develop the Midas Touch.

Indeed, everything you touch WILL turn to gold.  
No doubt, the more you hear this, the more excited you’re getting.
In fact, there’s more…

Because I’m also sharing with you three invaluable bonuses:


THE BIG DREAM DOSSIER: The Ultimate Handbook on Fulfilling the Closely Held Desires of Your Heart – No Matter How Crazy or Outlandish 

The bigger you dream, the bigger your reality.

Do you feel deep in your heart you’re meant to play bigger?

Do you feel a calling to an exciting life of purpose and adventure?

Unfortunately, real life often gets in the way. 

A disappointment here… A mistake there… A barrage of unkind words…  

And those precious dreams end up shattered, like roses trampled on the ground. 

Now… What if I told you there’s a way to restore it… To nurse it back to health. 

Imagine smiling as each of your dreams start blooming like a field of sunflowers.

Every one of them coming to past. Without a hint of the brokenness that preceded it. 

And that’s my gift to you. 

The hope of a FAR better future channeled in a special FREE video course. I present to you:

The Big Dream Dossier!

I understand...

  • Your parents may have squashed your dreams
  • ​Setbacks may have quenched your fire. 
  • Failure may have obscured your vision.
The Big Dream Dossier is the key to resurrection… The elixir of enveloping your soul with wanton passion, a zest of life that will never go away.  

It’s a series of potent exercises that activate that dormant part of the brain… the part that wants to touch the sky and blaze new trails… Come experience the breathtaking rush of fulfillment. 

And wait there’s more...


SPECTACULAR SIDE HUSTLES : 3 Simple Steps to Manifest Multiple Streams of Income

You’re meant to live in abundance.

It is embedded in your DNA. It’s your inevitable destiny. 

However there’s a catch.

You need to be able to CONTAIN all the blessings. 

Confused? There’s an intriguing Hebrew story that perfectly illustrates my point.

Once in the days just before Babylonian rule on 892 BC, there lived a prophet called Elijah.

He did many miracles. But the one you’re about to discover is the most notable one.

One day, he came across a poor widow. 

In order to bring her out of poverty, he promised her that if she were to bring containers, heaven will pour out olive oil into the containers. As long as they kept on coming. 

In those days, olive oil was precious. You could sell it and make a mint. It was literally liquid gold.

So the widow complied. Jugs. Buckets. Even vases… 

All of these containers filled to the brim with the aromatic luxury elixir. 

Alas, when she ran out of all of them -- with the smallest cups to the biggest cisterns all filled up. The flow of oil stopped. 

You do know what that means for you, right?

There’s a waterfall of abundance from heaven. It is unlimited. 

However, the only way to enjoy its fullness is to fill up your containers and catch the flow. The more canisters you have, the more blessing you can contain. 

In other words, YOU are the sole determinant of how much of that manna you can consume. 

Side hustles, or part-time businesses are those buckets. 

The more of those you have o those, the more your wealth can be multiplied. Stop leaking wealth once and for all. 

In this exclusive video program, you get clever ideas on unleashing these pockets of income -- without using much time or resources. Even if you have a ton of commitment. 
And wait there’s more...


CRUSH THE COMPLAINTS: How to Keep Your Vibrations High When Life Threatens to Get You Down

There’s this reliable saying. 

Hey... life happens. 

This means even if you’re operating at high vibration, there will be things to try to pull you down. 

After all, the Law of Attraction will encounter the Law of Gravity ever so often. 

So don’t be surprised. 

An unfair boss… An unpaid tax… An errant flu travelling around. 

Life is PACKED with surprises. Often pleasant, sometimes not.  

So in this special video program titled Crushing the Complaints… I’ll teach you how to handle all of these in stride. 

You learn how to create an invincible mind… untouched by anxiety, worry and other debbie-downer moments. 

After all, manifestation doesn’t promise a storm-free life. But at the end of the program, you’ll definitely be storm-proof. 

Doesn’t all this sound incredible?
So here’s the deal.
Let me explain why this mentoring from me won’t cost as much as it should.
You see, back in 2013, I set an initial goal:
I dedicated myself to helping at least 100 men and women become money magnets and live their best lives.
Since then, I’ve helped thousands of people around the world to go through this powerful manifestation modeling process and enjoy unbelievable miracles...
And you can be one of them.
The bottom line: I decided I absolutely need to let as many folks as possible join in this cause...
A cause I call:

The “Magnetized Life” Movement!

The good news?
That means a much lower price for you because I don’t want “finances” to stop anyone!
So let’s add you to the cause... starting right now:
Today, you will not pay the retail value of When My Mind Went Bank and the free gifts...
Not even close! 
In fact, you’re only getting it at $47 (an instant savings of $450 off the regular enrollment fee).
And because I’m so convinced it will work for you...I want to offer you something unprecedented. I call it:

The “Bank On It” Guarantee

The Ultimate Iron-Clad Agreement that If You Don’t Manifest Exponential Wealth -- Provided You Take Massive Action -- We Don’t Deserve to Take Your Money – no tricks, loopholes or funny business.

Here’s how it works...
Get your copy of WMMWB today.
Go through all 7 videos.
Devour every word.
Religiously follow the exercises. Take massive action. And more importantly…
Start seeing amazing and bountiful things manifest in your life.
Begin to see your innermost dreams fulfilled one by glorious one.
Soar and be free.
Draw a line in the sand, because now you’re attracting the best the universe has to offer.
In fact, you’re almost like a Hoover for blessings.
You’ll be dazzled by the results.
However… if you don’t do a double take because you can’t believe your eyes at what you’re manifesting...
Or if, for any reason, you aren’t 100% satisfied with your results...
...simply give us a call and we’ll rush you a full refund, no questions asked. 

You have up to 60 days.

If your life hasn’t changed, we don’t want your money .

Fair enough?

Now, before we get started, 

here’s one final piece of encouragement…

A little something for those bad days that make you cry “if only…”

If you end up looking back…
Regretting your bad choices.
Beating yourself up because of course you could see it coming.
I gently urge you.
Please stop.
Because here’s the best news of all…

This is where “When My Mind Went Bank” comes in.
It helps you overcome what’s even embedded in your genes. In other words…

When My Mind Went Bank redeems your past, while giving you a breathtaking future to look forward to!

Look below this letter right now: 
Click on the button that says “Add to Cart” to claim your discounted price now! 

Remember, it’s not just a great bargain you’re getting today... 

You’ll join the biggest manifestation movement in history... 

You’ll be a part of an ever-growing soul family of Magnetized Life Practitioners...

All you need to do is click on the button. Then fill in your details.

Let When My Mind Went Bank make life worth living – NOW!

This is one of those watershed moments in your life. Three paths lie before you:

1) You Can Bury Your Head in the Sand

Look, let me level with you.
You know deep down that the job you hate won’t magically transform into the gig of your dreams. That marriage is not going to fix itself. Your money issues won’t just go away.
So if you’re intent on making a change, why not plunge in now? With the “Bank On It” Guarantee, what do you have to lose? Alternatively...

2) You Can Try to Figure All This Out On Your Own

Just Google “manifestation” and you’ll see a FLOOD of information.
In fact, you could literally drown in all that conflicting advice.
And remember what I said about dwelling just in the thought and feeling realm?
You’ll be like the NASA rocket ship stuck in the dock! You need to embrace Manifestation Modeling to get to the next place.
On the flip side...
Why not say goodbye to a sad life of lack? Get WMMWB today.
This is where...

3) You Can FINALLY Take Control of Your Life!

Look... you’ve already experienced what trouble feels like. The turmoil... The storms of life... The calls from creditors.
You’ve been there... you somewhat survived.
But, it’s time for something new.
Once you execute the potent exercises in When My Mind Went Bank, you’ll finally pull your greatest wishes into YOUR new gravitational field.
Now’s The Time To Say “YES...”
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 Just by clicking “play.” Get started right now.
All you desire is already out there. The universe, with its boundless delights, is in your grasp.
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Click on the bright orange button below now. This is Leigh signing off. I’ll see you on the other side.

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